At Johnson Controls, we’ve engineered our AD-1250 Airflow Measuring Station to provide accurate, economical solutions for measuring, reporting, and controlling airflow from 300 to 5,000 feet per minute (fpm). With easy installation and short commissioning time, the AD-1250 is one of the best performing Airflow Measuring Stations on the market. Our AD-1250 Air Flow Measuring Station is factory-assembled and features an ultra-low-leak, high-performance, aluminum airfoil blade/aluminum frame control damper, an aluminum air straightener, multiple airflow sensing probes, and more.
JCA Master licenses
ACT Security Industry Master License Number: 17502833
NSW Master Licence Number 404945334
Qld. Security Providers Licence Number 3264105
S.A. Agents Licence Number ISL224580
Vic. Private Security Business Registration Number 725-623-02S
Refrigerant Trading Authorisation No. AU00301